Happy June, little bug.
Tonight Mommy and I had dinner out on the deck and watched all the bikers and walkers go by to celebrate a fun weekend. Here’s what’s been happening with all of us.
Your FIRST TOOTH is coming in! Mommy felt that the ridge of your mouth was rougher and tougher than normal; that’s because you’ve got 4 little peaks of a baby tooth poking through your gums. We can’t detect that it bothers you that much; even at night…yet. You are going through another sniffling and snotty phase, but I doubt it is because of the tooth.
You and Mommy went to D.C. for 6 days, so Boo and I were on our own while Mommy had meetings and you visited with Nana and PopPop. I have to admit, it was refreshing to be on my own and back to the bachelor life for a while. I jammed things in on my calendar; rode my bike for the first time in nearly 8 months, met friends at a brewery, did the Ballard Street Scramble with Aunt Karen and Clementine, and celebrated Michelle’s birthday on the Cycle Saloon. I did what I used to do before you and even before Mommy….stayed up late, fixed random things for dinner just for calories, and then I lost my Wallet! Yep, while I was walking Clementine on a Monday afternoon, probably trying to walk and text or take a video at the same time, it slipped out from my backapacka. Fortunately, a lady named Kseniya found the wallet, then found me on social media, and gave it back to me! I was so grateful. As a token of my gratitude for her honesty and integrity, I gave her one of my limited-edition 5-leaf clovers. She seemed a little puzzled when I explained it to her, but hopefully in time she’ll understand how unique it is and come to enjoy it as a lucky token.
Jenee Wolters was a friend from a long time ago. She and her family were on a 6-week journey from Illinois to the western states. They stopped by our house for a pancake breakfast before starting the turn around to head home.
You are nearly 8 months now, and in a few days you will be weaned from Mommy’s boobie. The title for this post comes from Mommy. She came back from work one day after I’d just given you a bottle. Mommy was disappointed. “It’s a pity,” Mommy said. “This boob really needs to be unleashed.”
We went on our first family hike the weekend after Memorial Day; Tiger Mountain in Issaquah. It went very well….I carried you in our hand-me down Kelty Kids backapacka, and Mommy, Boo, and Aunt Karen enjoyed being outdoors in the Pacific Northwest trail system. I’m hoping to do some more hikes with you this summer.
Love from Daddy.