Monthly Archives: November 2014

Month 13: no longer a baby.

It is December, Little Monkey. The end of the year is almost here.

What you’re doing these days: We think you’ve said your first word….”Boo.” You point to Clementine and say “Boo,” though you use that term often and point to many things. Nana insists that you’ve a collection of words already, though Mommy and I aren’t convinced yet. You definitely have something to say and have opinions you share with others, but we can’t tell yet what you mean. You are starting to throw mini tantrums when we lift you out of something or

You are mimicking like a monkey: clapping, singing, pointing, and dancing. Your latest…when we ask you, “Where is your nose?” you bring your finger right up to your nose and then proceed to stick it in, then hold it there until we pull it out.


Actually, whenever we say, “Where’s your anything?” your finger goes straight to your nose. So you know where your nose is, and this week, your belly.

You had your first dentist appointment last week. Mommy reports you wouldn’t sit still and gave the hygienist a very difficult time, you like to brush your own teeth. After your evening bottle, you even start to say, “Aahhhhh,” when we go into the bathroom and get your toothbrush.

We spent Thanksgiving 2014 in DC this year with Nana, PopPop, and Mommy’s family. Though the flight there was hell, you charmed everyone with your waddling, babbling, and sampling of the feast.

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There are 50 states in our nation, and up until a few weeks ago, there has been one that has eluded me……one I’d never been able to say I’d been in…..Louisiana. New Orleans with Ray

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