A drawing of Mommy’s Tubes

Happy Two Week Anniversary, Little Button!

I sketched a picture of Mommy in the delivery room and all the tubes she had going in her. Click on the link below.

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Your Peabody grandparents left today to go back to Illinois….we’ve decided they will be Grammy Diann and Chuckles. You may eventually call them something different, but that is what we thought we’d start with.

Chuckles and I tackled a home improvement project I’d had on my list for a long time…..our shower. Over the years the water had leaked out and deteriorated the wood around the base.  I calked the hell out of the holes in the shower and got it plugged, but the moulding was beyond saving.  So yesterday Chuckles and I made it our mission to find some matching moulding and repair it. Here are some before shots. I’ll add the during and after when they’re done.


Here are some things about you and your habits:

You like to feed about every 3 hours, you fall asleep at the breast occasionally and need Mommy to wake you up, you have gone on a walk about every day but you’ve been asleep for most of them, you received two “Crosby” monogrammed Land’s End tote bags today in the mail, you now have more clothes than Mommy and me, your hands often wake you up so we swaddle you in the nighttime, Mommy feeds you in the middle of the night and then I walk the rooms and shhh you to sleep until you are in a deep sleep and can continue it on your back in your Pack n play.

There are lots of questions I’d love to ask you, though you won’t be able to answer me for a while: Can you see us? Do you know our voices? Does it bother you to have a wet or poopy diaper? Can you tell what Clementine thinks of you? What are your dreams like? How far can you see? Do you like being read to? Do you like being sung to? What do you prefer more…talking or singing? What is your favorite outfit so far? Should we turn down the lights or are you ok with them? Have we ever put you down when you were hungry? What will be the first way you communicate with us besides crying or not crying?

Love, Daddy

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