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Month 13: no longer a baby.

It is December, Little Monkey. The end of the year is almost here.

What you’re doing these days: We think you’ve said your first word….”Boo.” You point to Clementine and say “Boo,” though you use that term often and point to many things. Nana insists that you’ve a collection of words already, though Mommy and I aren’t convinced yet. You definitely have something to say and have opinions you share with others, but we can’t tell yet what you mean. You are starting to throw mini tantrums when we lift you out of something or

You are mimicking like a monkey: clapping, singing, pointing, and dancing. Your latest…when we ask you, “Where is your nose?” you bring your finger right up to your nose and then proceed to stick it in, then hold it there until we pull it out.


Actually, whenever we say, “Where’s your anything?” your finger goes straight to your nose. So you know where your nose is, and this week, your belly.

You had your first dentist appointment last week. Mommy reports you wouldn’t sit still and gave the hygienist a very difficult time, you like to brush your own teeth. After your evening bottle, you even start to say, “Aahhhhh,” when we go into the bathroom and get your toothbrush.

We spent Thanksgiving 2014 in DC this year with Nana, PopPop, and Mommy’s family. Though the flight there was hell, you charmed everyone with your waddling, babbling, and sampling of the feast.

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There are 50 states in our nation, and up until a few weeks ago, there has been one that has eluded me……one I’d never been able to say I’d been in…..Louisiana. New Orleans with Ray

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Happy Birthday, Hurdle Turtle!

You are one year old! What an accomplishment. You comb your hair after a bath, you let us brush your teeth, you love to play hide and seek, and you LOVE open the flap books.

We had a small birthday party for you the Sunday before your big day. Your Seattle cousins came, and you tried your first cupcake. Each cupcake was decorated with a shot of you….with Grammy, with your Aunties, wearing your mustache binky, in the water with Mommy, and more.


You tasted the cupcake tentatively at first. But when you decided it was safe and delicious, you stuffed it in with both hands.


Your cousins were eager to show you how to open your first birthday presents.


Lately, Mommy has been anxious about your development. You haven’t said your first recognizable word yet, you don’t always turn your head when we call you by your name, and you only walk when we hold your hand. I try to remind Mommy of the book she read before you were born, Having Your Second Child First, but she sometimes gets worked up when she hears what other kids your age are doing…..I think those Mommies are stretching the truth…their kids don’t have 6 words already.

But just this week, when Mommy asked you where your nose is, you put your finger right on your nose!  And then you kept going and stuck your finger IN your nose, and do so every time we ask you something that begins with, “Where’s your….”


Grammy and Grandpa Chuckles visited after you turned one. They stayed with you for two days, reading, pushing your car, and trying to expose you to some new foods.

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In the world these days, President Obama is scheduled to give an executive order on immigration tonight in his State of the Union address, Bill Cosby has been feeling heat for allegations of illicit acts against women, an epic snow in Buffalo, NY dumped more than 5 feet this week, the ebola outbreak is not on the front page any more, and stores are stocked with Christmas decorations already. Our family heads to DC for Thanksgiving next week. Mommy also is gearing up for a sendoff from her work tomorrow and will start her new job in early December.

Here’s a sound clip from you and Mommy a few weeks ago.

Be well, dear heart. Love, Daddy.

Going Solo

Hey 11 Months Mama!

For 10 days, while Mommy was in Europe for work, you and I lived on our own. I’m glad it is over, but I feel empowered and proud of being able to care for you for that extended period of time. I don’t want to do it again for that long, but I know that I can. There were many times I just had to put you in the pack and play to fix things, get ready for a walk or bath, and then get you when I was ready. We all missed Mommy.

You got a Care Package from Grammy Diann today! Grammy sends the BEST packages. Some new utensils, a plate, some filled-in picture albums with fresh family shots, clippings for Mommy and Daddy, Aunt Jemima pancake mix for weekend mornings, some doggie poop bags for Boo, Cheeze-its, and a personalized note from Grammy and Grandpa Chuckles.


Things you are doing: you are crawling super fast now. I used to have time to watch you crawl for a while before getting up to bring you back. Now you are at the dog bowl, front door, and stairs before I know it. Now, If Mommy or I point to something, your eyes follow our signal and see what we were pointing to. You like to offer us Cheerios, binkys, and toys with your outstretched arm. Then when we get closer to take a bite or take what you offer us, you don’t quite know what to do, sometimes curling your arm back or letting us eat from your hand.

Sharon said you started a drumming band with your daycare friends. They followed you and stood at the couch and banged on the mattress with both hands.



Sharon’s friend Frank treated us to a boating evening.


Today when we were getting gas, a man with his son and dog walked past us. The little boy was no more than three, playing with a piece of cardboard while his Dad carried the dog. I didn’t think more about them until we pulled out and headed for home. The cardboard had a “homeless and need help,” message on it. The little boy played with the dog while his dad held the sign at the corner, hoping to receive something from people walking or driving by. You and I pass beggars often on our way home, standing at the best stoplights to be on the generous side of a fellow Seattleite. Sometimes I give them money or trader Joes Cliff Bars.

Today in class a student asked me how to send a letter! She was preparing applications for college and had never mailed something before! She didn’t know where where the stamp went, how much it cost to mail, nor where to take the letter to mail. She was only 18, yes, but I was shocked at this. I guess my Mommy and Grammies trained me well.

Here are some confessions…things I did while Mommy was away:
I gave you a cheese stick in your pack n play. We really needed to get out the door and you were hungry.
After you were done eating and it was clear you weren’t hungry for most of the things I gave you, I made a lunch out of your leftovers: squash, meatballs, I even finished the rest of your banana blueberry spinach pouch. It was very tasty

What’s happening in the news: The Ebola crisis in West Africa and 3 cases in the US, same sex marriage is now legal in 37 states.

Next episode: Your First Birthday!

Love, Daddy


San Diego and Rice On the Dog

Happy 11 Months, Burlap Banana.

You are 11 months old today! I can’t believe it. Just a little while ago you looked like this.


and now you are crawling around, shouting, dancing (with hands on something sturdy), and looking like this…


That’s not entirely accurate. Mommy put two of your cup toys to embellish your bosom…your typical look is this…


There is so much to catch up on. It is now the 4th week of school; I haven’t updated the Chronicles in a while.

San Diego was a blast. We met Nana and Poppop there and spent the week hanging out at the pool in our flippy floppys, the Zoo, going on an evening cruise, taking some side trips to La Jolla and Vista, and taking surfing lessons! We were also hoping you would start crawling on the trip, but it didn’t happen.

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What’s happening these days with you?  You and Clementine are still working together pretty well. Clementine has discovered that when she camps out under your feeding seat, she will often be rained on with food…most of which she eats. You have thrown a lot of chicken and turkey meatballs her way. I’ve seen her take a piece of string cheese out of your hand and then clean your fingers. She even ate a piece of plum the other day!  The dog hasn’t yet learned that being RIGHT UNDER YOU is dangerous; you’ve dropped your sippy cup on her. She also has more food in her mohawk; you dropped some apple pieces and rice on her head. She doesn’t really care; but Mommy and I don’t like to have a dog with food ON her head….you’re difficult enough to clean up.

You are getting mischevious, grabbing a bag and pulling it down, fussing when we pull you out of no infant situations, not sleeping on the plane flights, smiling and staring at strangers, pulling the paper placemat at a restaurant, and you’re starting to NOT like time on the changing table. We’ve seen signs of four more teeth on the top part of your mouth…the incisors came first and just lately your two front teeth are showing.

What’s going on in the world right now?  Mommy has left for 10 days to work in England and Switzerland. It was only going to be a week but due to the Ebola outbreak, she’s had a meeting at the WHO added to her plate that’s extended her time gone. Neither of us are happy about it, but travel is a part of her work. In other news……the NFL is on the hot plate now for a large number of cases of domestic abuse, notably the Ray Rice video showing him knock his fiance out. There are fires in California, riots in Ferguson, MO, everyone was doing the ice bucket challenge to raise awareness and money for ALS, the Islamic State (ISIS) beheaded a third western captive, Hilary Clinton is “thinking” about running for president in 2016, and voters in Scotland voted not to break from the United Kingdom.

Be thinking about what you’d like to do for your birthday, pumpkin. A cake, a bounce house, a litter of puppies, skydiving, a new binky?

Love, Daddy







No Hablo

Happy August, Little Fish.

I can’t believe the summer is over. This is my LAST WORK DAY before I go back to work on Monday. I have enjoyed it immensely. Most of my days have been spent with you, so we have a collection of pictures (and even audio when I can find out how to put it in) and stories to recall.


Marcus and your hipster binky. You seem not to care; as long at it does what a binky is supposed to do.

No Hablo: I know you care about me and Mommy, but I’m sure if you could talk, you would profess your affection for your binkies as your most treasured things in your life. You were a binky mama on your second day of life, and since it calmed you Mommy and I were thrilled. Every night when we sing the good night song, you have a binky in. Then, before you hit the mattress, you are reaching for another one to have in your hand. You turn it around with both hands, contemplating it, sometimes making a quick switch to try another one.


You and No Hablo being held by our neighbor Charlotte.

The Ultimate Binky in your collection is No Hablo, a white pacifier with holes on the sides, a ring for leashing it to your bib, and “No Hablo,” in grey letters on the side facing out. For some reason, we leashed this one to you early on, and it has been with you most every day. You used to have a cute leash with a cat wearing a tiara, but when you could easily pull it off we had to upgrade to a hinged-snapping clasp pink camoflauge leash that keeps it more secure on your bib.  There are sometimes when you are playing, or it is nearing bedtime or feedingtime, when you become easily agitated and fussy. No Hablo comes to the rescue and usually does the trick. For people who know you well, they are aware that you can be chatty. In fact, one FaceTime call with Nana and PopPop, after you lectured them for several minutes, Nana said, “Well, I guess we should go.” That never happens! You talked Nana into boredom. So the irony of No Hablo is not lost on us.

In late July I joined Rachel Klein on her 40th birthday party…A 20-mile day hike through The Enchantment Lakes, south of Leavenworth, WA. Usually, this hike is done over 3 days, but Rachel and her husband Denny are ultralight hiker/campers, so we packed light and did it all in one day. It was truly stunning, with mountain goats at Aasgard Pass, glacier fed pools, snowfields, and a playland of rock, grass, and snow. The Enchantment Lakes are featured in the “Top 100 Hikes in Washington” book, so I was pumped to be able to highlight it as one I have done.

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Another adventure our family had was a week in Post Falls, Idaho. We rented a VRBO house on the Spokane river chilling, floating, and biking in a new state for you. Both Mommy and I had always wanted to see Coeur d’Alene, which is just up the river, so we made a vacation out of it. We rode our bikes, hauling you in the Chariot, along the Centennial Trail into Coeur d’Alene, bounced on the water trampoline, paddled on the standup paddleboards, toured in the paddleboat, and soaked up the Idaho sun. One day trip was a bike tour on the Trail of the Hiawatha, just over the border into Montana. It was a 15 mile, mostly downhill trail that went over train trestles and tunnels.


We stayed in the lower level of the house, right on the Spokane river.


Dinner in Coeur d’Alene.


You have your favorite Pooping Places. Usually it is in your car seat, but this time it was in your dinner chair. It is painful for me and Mommy to watch you have your movements, but it appears much more painful for you.


You and Mommy floating on the Spokane River.


On the Trail of the Hiawatha Bike Path.


You in your chariot attached to my bike over one of the train trestles.


On the bus ride back to the first tunnel you were boisterous and charming.


I just finished “Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman,” by the Nobel prize winning Physicist Richard Feynman. I’d had this book on my list because I’d read about Feynman several times in the last year in Discover Magazine and other math and education-related publications. It was written in 1974, recounting stories from his life as a college student, Cal-Tech professor, advisor on The Manhattan Project, and lifelong curious scientist. I liked how each story was told as though Dick Feynman was sitting at the kitchen table with you, sharing his experiences with you one on one. It was inspiring to me as an educator and person curious about various

You are waking up from your nap now, so I will close for now, with more reports on San Diego in the next post. Love you, little peach.



Forks and Someone 95 Years Older than You

Happy 9 Months, Sweet Potato!

Summer is cruising by like a rocket. Over the Fourth of July, we visited the Olympic Peninsula. With Forks, WA as our temporary home, we did day trips to Cape Alava, Rialto Beach, The Hoh Rainforest, Neah Bay, and Shi Shi Beach. The Olympic Peninsula was a part of Washington Mommy and I always wanted to see more of. We maxxed out our time with you.

On the trail to Cape Alava, we took you in the B.O.B. instead of the backpack. It was a 3.1 mile trail that was very level, so we thought it was a good choice. It turns out, more than 1 miles of it were on wooden boardwalks that had steps up and down just so that the B.O.B. couldn’t roll over them, so Mommy had to lift the B.O.B.’s front end so I could prop you over many of the steps. But we made it


Cape Alava


The Hoh Rainforest

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You and me, Mike and Theo, Clementine and Daisy went on a hike to Tiger Mountain. The dogs got more looks than you and Theo did. Maybe the people we met on the trail couldn’t believe they would see two daddies with two kids in backpacks at the same time!

The Midwest Peabodys converged on the Pacific Northwest for a four-generation reunion on Whidbey Island. It was the inaugural meeting between you and Great Grandma Dorothy and your second time with your cousins Kali, Annika, and Alden. We had several days to compare baby experiences with Uncle Andy and Aunt Kara, and play with your cousins Kali and Annika. We had cookouts, played in the water, swam at the Useless Bay Colony Pool, played Nerts, and watched the World Cup soccer matches.

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You and Great Grammy Dorothy

After the family went home, Mommy also left for a week and we had Dad-Kid time together. This was the FIRST TIME Mommy had spent a night away from you; she wasn’t sure how she would do. It was Mommy’s goal to have you weaned from breastfeeding by this trip to Europe, which was accomplished, so I took over with formula and solid foods, which seemed to work. While Mommy was gone, you went to daycare one day and I climbed Mt. Si, we visited my financial advisor downtown, you had some time with Aunt Karen and Aunt Anita, went to your 9-month pediatrician visit, and returned to Whidbey Island to see Grammy Diann and Great Grammy Dorothy more personally.

Aunt Karen is moving back to California to start a new job, but it was great to have her in our home town for a while so we could spend some time together. She was there for the weekend of your birth, you know. She played a big part in the hospital. Aunt Anita was in town to help with the move. 


What You’re Doing These Days: You are getting on all fours and rocking back and forth, but you haven’t taken your first crawling moves yet. You tend to reach for the items we don’t want you to reach for (the paper, the remotes,  the iPad, the instructions for your little tent, the computer, Mommy’s coffee cup), and continue to astonish us with your reachspan. You can hold your bottle to feed yourself; just a few weeks ago you needed our help to prop it up when it was full, now you don’t. When you see the bottle coming you spit out your binky and start to blabber and hyperventilate.

There is much more of the summer to come! I can’t wait. Sweet dreams, munchkin.

Love, Daddy


Here’s an archived picture of you IN Mommy. I’m guessing it is around July 2013, about 8 months. Notice the “not-so-excited-about-this” look on her. 


Summer Dreams and What They Mean

For the past month, since school ended, I’ve had a plethora of dreams.

The Race: I was at a track meet, and the 200 was coming up. Runners, who were all older adults, were already on the track with their blocks set, getting ready for the starter to call the commands. I was scheduled to run the 200, but I wasn’t ready; my spikes weren’t on, my warm ups were still on, and I was on the infield in a panic.  Fortunately, there was a delay and I could catch up and run it.

Griswold Center: I was at MU Griswold Center, where I saw Carl Alexander (All-American athlete I coached and taught) and Sheldon Davis (younger athlete when I was a senior) in the lobby. I went to the gym area where Jenny and Tiffany (twins I coached and taught) were playing soccer. There were physical levels in the gym, just like tiers stacked vertically, that corresponded to the level of soccer you were proficient in. On the lowest tier was the pool.  DL was there as well as Jennifer Heller, who was telling me that her grandfather had died.

Zombie: I was in an underground cavern running from zombies. I was with one other person in a room. A zombie broke through the door and stabbed me under the armpit. I knew I was done; I began vomiting and trying to warn my partner to get out before I myself became a zombie and went after her/him.

Carl Poelker: My old MU football coach, Carl Poelker, was explaining a wreath to me and my friend Rob Townsend. He was using a smooth, genuine voice that was full of fascination as he explained to us that the wreath, which consisted of dozens of small finger-sized pieces, was strung together by “one single strand of string.” He wanted us to understand the precision and craftsmanship needed to stitch the wreath together. I got on my mountain bike and tried to make it up a steep dirt hill.

Computer discipline: MU again. This time LK took my computer from in front of me, turned it off, and put it away. I was surprised because I was helping Tamara T. (student at RHS) and needed my computer.

Evening Softball Game: I was with my Dad walking to the stadium to see an evening softball game. As we walked by the tailgating outside the stadium, I saw some pre-teen kids with my USB drive case. I went in their tent and asked for it back.  One kid said he needed to copy the files on it first before he gave it back to me. The kid’s dad was there and apologized to me for his son. As we shook hands, he bent his middle finger and scratched my palm with his finger.  I found Dad up in the stands, but I had to walk on razer-sharp mountain-like spires to reach the row where he sat.  I made it fine because my balance was very good. When I sat next to him he said, “Grammy D would never have been able to make it here.” We started to watch the game, which was the championship.

Mommy’s Dream: This one is NOT MINE. My wife dreamt that I left the table when we were having dinner out one evening, and I was late to return. When my wife went to look for me, she found me stalking another woman!

A Stab at What they Mean: Normally, I go after one dream at a time, but these seem to have a theme to look into. Most of them have sports, most of them have students or athletes I’ve known, and most of them have one authority figure. There’s skills and abilities, defeat and disappointment, reflection and death. Bottom line: I’m working through this point in my life where I am in fields of duality: student and teacher, father and son, coach and athlete, mentor and learner.



Shopping Cart Picture

It’s Summer, Squishable! And that means eating out on the patio, some vacations for our family, you going to bed when it is still light out, and Swimming Lessons!IMG_0362

You and I just returned from our second lesson at Evans Pool by Greenlake. We have learned some songs that help you get used to the water and progress to swimming when you are older….the Hokey Pokey, I’m a Little Teapot, The Washing Machine, This is the Way We (wash our face, take a shower, listen for fish, blow bubbles, reach and pull) in the Swimming Pool, as well as some kicking practice. The Washing Machine goes like this..

The Washing Machine, the Washing Machine, the greatest invention that I’ve ever seen, you put clothes in dirty and they come out clean, the washing machine, the washing machine…….Agitator (swish your arms around in the water), Spin Cycle (whirl around in the water), Air Dry (raise you up in the air). It is my favorite so far.

Nana and PopPop were here for a visit to see you. You were a gem for them; we went to the Zoo, you had fun riding in the cart for the first time at the market, we saw the Fremont Solstice Parade, and had quality time rolling around in the living room. You did have an explosion through your pijamas, which was not fun but memorable. I knew I may need to help out Nana when I heard her shout, “Oh My God,” through the monitor to your room. It still is a mystery to me how poop can creep up your back and spread up to your shoulders.

Your first time in the market shopping cart.

Your first time in the market shopping cart.


IMG_1704 IMG_1703It is summertime, which means I don’t have to be back to work until the last week in August. These first few days of summer for me are so precious, like a Friday afternoon when you have the whole weekend, I have an entire Seattle summer to spend. You, me, and Mommy have some high-fun-potential trips planned this summer, as well as your cousins’ visit in a few days. I have made a summer list nearly every year since high school, but I’m trying not to have too many “to do” goals this year and just enjoy the time with you and friends and family.

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The school year for me was one of the best. I think because I had a year off from Al-Geo, it afforded me a full year of just teaching and not much management/discipline at all in any of my classes. AP Statistics was a challenge, staying up at night doing the problem sets, and visiting Kate every morning to ask her about concepts we were to teach that day, but that is how teaching something the first time goes and I did it! To top it off, I won the Outstanding Educator Award this year from the PTSA. I was honored and very proud to receive it. Mommy and you send me balloons delivered to school. It made the end of this school year even more magical.

I had an Oom Yung Do dream several weeks ago. Head Instructor Greg was challenging me to take a playing card from in from of him without him catching me. He caught me the first three or four times, but I eventually stole a card from his deck without him grabbing my wrist. After I passed his quickness test, he hugged me and tousled my hair. Then we left together and walked down a dark alley. We got accosted by two thugs who tried to beat us up. Head Instructor Greg fended off his attacker The other man headed toward me so I ducked under his arms and put myself in a position to give him a shoulder in the stomach to immobilize him. That was it….?

Interpretation? I’ve had half a dozen dreams this summer, so I’ll put them all in the next post. This one has an instructor, a challenge, meeting the challenge after some trials, then a real life test after practicing. Maybe I’m realizing that I can bring some of my life experiences, successes and fears into the classroom? Perhaps I’m working on some balance between teaching, learning, and being tested in real life????

My teacher friend Howard and I scheduled a hike to Rattlesnake Ridge last week. It was a tad misty at the top, but we (including You) had a ton of fun. On the way up, you were chatting at all the hikers we met. Clementine got most of the glory, though, by receiving the lion’s share of the “Awws” and “Look at the cute puppys,” throughout the trip. You seem to like the Kelty Kid’s backpack; I understand why, too. In that pack, you can look over me and see everything. There is a cover to protect you from the elements, but you ended up sticking your head out the side like a dog in a car until you fell asleep (see picture below).

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What you’re doing these days: When I put you in your crib for sleep, you reach out and get one binky for each hand. Sometimes, when you see another binky, you pick it up and replace the one already in your mouth. You are a binky hoarder! You like to study people; you follow us all around the room with your eyes. Mommy and I can’t eat yogurt around you because you’ll reach out for it and want your own bites. You are now a champion sleeper….going down around 7:15pm and sleeping more than 9 hours a night if we can let you. Once a week you wake up in the middle of the night and need one of us to rescue a binky for you; sometimes you just wake up and babble to yourself for 30 minutes, then fall back asleep. You are eating what we eat (sweet potatoes, corn, hamburger meat, string cheese, peas, and a little ice cream).

IMG_0434You and Mommy sent me balloons for my award. After school was out, I brought them home and cut one loose when we were about to throw them away. You were captivated by it, staring at it and reaching for it. I guess I would be captivated by it too if I’d never seen a balloon before. After we let you catch it and reel it in by the string, you patted it with your hands and got it covered with your meal of the day (I think it was something with squash). Then you tried to eat the balloon.

You are down now for a nap; that’s how I have the time to write this. When you go to bed at night, it is easy for Mommy and me to just walk away and close the door because you are topped up with formula and exhausted from the day’s events. Your afternoon naps, however, are a different matter. It is getting tougher to get you to nap in the afternoon unless you are in the stroller. When we do get you in your crib with lights out and the beach noise app soothing you, we used to be able to sneak out by tip toeing. Then, we had to sit in the rocking chair next to you, waiting until you would look away. Then we could make our exit. After you caught onto that tactic, I’ve been army crawling away so you won’t see me, and that has worked for several weeks. Today, though, when I was confident you were looking the other way and I could crawl away, I got on my hands and knees and snuck out. When I was out of your room, I turned around to shut the door, and your wide beady eyes were staring at me! It freaked me out. Don’t scare me like that 🙂

Sweet dreams, Monkey Jammeez Kiddo, Love, Daddy




This Boob Really Needs to Be Unleashed

Happy June, little bug.

Tonight Mommy and I had dinner out on the deck and watched all the bikers and walkers go by to celebrate a fun weekend. Here’s what’s been happening with all of us.


We sometimes eat dinner together. Clementine is under the table…..waiting.

Your FIRST TOOTH is coming in! Mommy felt that the ridge of your mouth was rougher and tougher than normal; that’s because you’ve got 4 little peaks of a baby tooth poking through your gums. We can’t detect that it bothers you that much; even at night…yet. You are going through another sniffling and snotty phase, but I doubt it is because of the tooth.

You and Mommy went to D.C. for 6 days, so Boo and I were on our own while Mommy had meetings and you visited with Nana and PopPop.  I have to admit, it was refreshing to be on my own and back to the bachelor life for a while. I jammed things in on my calendar; rode my bike for the first time in nearly 8 months, met friends at a brewery, did the Ballard Street Scramble with Aunt Karen and Clementine, and celebrated Michelle’s birthday on the Cycle Saloon. I did what I used to do before you and even before Mommy….stayed up late, fixed random things for dinner just for calories, and then I lost my Wallet! Yep, while I was walking Clementine on a Monday afternoon, probably trying to walk and text or take a video at the same time, it slipped out from my backapacka. Fortunately, a lady named Kseniya found the wallet, then found me on social media, and gave it back to me! I was so grateful. As a token of my gratitude for her honesty and integrity, I gave her one of my limited-edition 5-leaf clovers. She seemed a little puzzled when I explained it to her, but hopefully in time she’ll understand how unique it is and come to enjoy it as a lucky token.


On the Ballard Street Scramble rampage with Aunt Karen and Clementine.


Jenee Wolters was a friend from a long time ago. She and her family were on a 6-week journey from Illinois to the western states. They stopped by our house for a pancake breakfast before starting the turn around to head home.

You are nearly 8 months now, and in a few days you will be weaned from Mommy’s boobie. The title for this post comes from Mommy. She came back from work one day after I’d just given you a bottle. Mommy was disappointed. “It’s a pity,” Mommy said. “This boob really needs to be unleashed.”


We went on our first family hike the weekend after Memorial Day; Tiger Mountain in Issaquah. It went very well….I carried you in our hand-me down Kelty Kids backapacka, and Mommy, Boo, and Aunt Karen enjoyed being outdoors in the Pacific Northwest trail system. I’m hoping to do some more hikes with you this summer.

Love from Daddy.


The Petri Dish – Unswaddled

Happy Mother’s Day, Petri Dish

That’s what Mommy calls you, little peach…a Petri dish. Mommy has gone through two colds in the past month and you have been sniffling , coughing, and sneezing for longer. We are thankful it has been six months before you’ve succumbed to the day care evils of rampant viruses, but now you’ve got one. You sniffle and sneeze often, but thankfully it hasn’t kept you up too much at night…..yet.

Two weekends ago our whole family competed in the Queen Anne Street Scramble. A street scramble goes like this……you register and get a map to study and plan your route, then you race for 90 minutes going to as many checkpoints as you can to answer the questions, then you race back and the organizers tally your scores. It is like an urban treasure hunt….I love ’em and have done several of them over the years in Seattle. Below is a shot of us scrambling….I’m pushing you in the B.O.B. with the map in view and Mommy and Clementine are leading the way to our next checkpoint. There is one in Ballard coming up…..I’ve signed up already.


Cousin Jonathan came to visit last Sunday. He is in the area for an Army dental class at the base closeby. Many people say Jon and I look a lot alike.

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What are you doing lately?  You are still very vocal…..sending out “Ba ba ba” often just randomly, then a squeal and a shriek, followed by low-pitched grunts of varying volumes and tones. Last night we went to E and T’s house, so we had to put you to bed in their pack and play. You talked for 30 minutes before you finally went to sleep. E and Mommy’s friends asked, “Is she ok? Do you need to go in there?” But Mommy stayed away, knowing that you were just being you and talking before you went to sleep. We can tell easily when you are distressed or uncomfortable, which isn’t too often. Most of the time you are chatty and simply making friendly noise.

You have been eating more solid food lately, too. You LOVE creamed carrots…the Gerber first foods kind that has just one food. Mommy tried to feed you turkey and this is the face you gave her…


So we learned to mix some turkey in to peaches, carrots, squash, and you couldn’t tell the difference. Mommy was having some yogurt to herself and you reached out showing her you wanted to sample it. She gave you a taste and you loved it, so she gave you a couple more spoonfuls. When it was clear you were capable of eating the entire container, Mommy turned out toward the window and finished the yogurt herself. We won’t be able to pull of that trick very much longer. Pretty soon you’ll have the ability to project and remember for longer than a couple of seconds. That’s when we’ll have to learn a new parenting trick.

Your sleeping habits have improved significantly since we’ve unswaddled you. Now when we set you in bed, you just have your pjs and a sleepsack on, but in the crib with you is an army of binkies placed like a halo around your head. When you turn to any side, you have a pacifier within your grasp that you can help yourself to. And you do help yourself to them. You like to have one in your mouth and cuddle up with two others in your hands. Last night I saw you take out a binky with your left hand and replace it with a binky from the right…all with your eyes closed!

Today was Mothers Day; a very special day because it was Mommy’s FIRST official Mother’s Day. Our gift to Mommy was a hand-made multi-colored clay mug. She joked often that she would like an ashtray, macrome owl, or mug with “World’s Greatest Mom” on it because that was the kitschy items that she would give Nana. So I made a mug while you were asleep and Mommy was taking a nap. I’m very proud of it sitting on the ledge of honor right now.



You are asleep in your crib right now, asleep with your collection of binkys that keep you company every night. It is time for Mommy and I to get to bed also.

Love, Daddy