Hi Lucky!
This weekend Mommy and I were watching the show Master Chef. The episode we watched featured kids from the US competing to be the Master Chef Junior Champion. Their ages ranged from 8 to 13, all of them designing artistic and delicious pastas, desserts, and seafood dishes. During the show, Mommy proclaimed that she was going to make it her motherly goal to bring you up as a Master Chef. “He/She doesn’t even have to win the competition,” she said, “Just be able to fix us dinner.”
In this post, I’m going to freely associate some questions that I have about how things will turn out with you and our lives. Here goes.
will you be a boy or a girl? will you like your name? will you be Peabody-Milman or Milman-Peabody? how will Clementine deal with you? will Clementine be resentful? will it be hard to push the stroller and walk Boo at the same time? what color will your eyes be? will you be a natural birth or C-section? will I remember the way to the hospita? will you ever meet Grammy Nell? will I ever finish my circles video idea? what will be your favorite book to read? how many time will we read it in your lifetime? how old will you become? how old will I be when you get married? Will you tell Mommy and me when you fall in love? When will we let you ride your bike around the block? What will your first word be? Will you be healthy? How will Mommy handle less sleep in your early months/years?,
I have many more, but I’ll stop there for a while…..Math Analysis tests to grade.
Sweet Dreams in your Womby Bed, Love, Daddy