“No ice cream until you finish your pizza.”

Happy Summer, Precioso!

So much to report, I’ll try to cram it all in. You are sleeping now…you’ve switched to one nap a day in the summer that starts about 10:30 and lasts for at least 2 hours. Can I get it all in and post what’s new?

It is the end of July now. School has ended and summer is in full swing. You and I hang out together most days, with swimming and movement classes on Tuesdays, visits to the library and walks with Clementine, and quite a few family visits to break up the monotony. I got a new teaching job much closer to home and we have a new daycare for you to meet friends and spend your working hours of the day. It was a chore to find these new places for us, but they worked out and I’m excited to be teaching somewhere new and excited that you’ll be learning a new language!

Here is a sound bite from you at 19 months…two months ago….with all your words.

It is so fun communicating with you now. You ask one-word questions and make one-word statements like “Mommy?” and “Boo?” and “Noo?” (your Aunt Anita just visited). About every word we speak to you, you try to repeat, even tough ones like “inconceivable” and “helicopter.” The most adorable pronunciation from you these days is “smoothie.” When it comes out of your mouth so soft but with such courage, it sounds like “hoo hee.” We fix hoo hees for you very often, hiding spinach, kale, and greens for your nutrition.


You like to jump on your bed and have us sing the Monkey song…..5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped her head, Momma called the doctor and the doctor said…no more monkeys jumping on the bed. Now you even fall and act like you are bumping your head. You really like to jump on OUR bed which is a lot larger and more springy. You like to hide under the covers and surprise us with your toothy grin.

You and I play the binky games when you are in your crib. I stand several feet away in an athletic stance, ready to catch the binkys you launch from the crib. When I catch one, it is a point for me, but when a binky hits the ground, you earn a point. Both our skills have increased since we’ve been playing. You have now taken TWO binkys at a time and throw them. I am only able to catch one of them usually.

For the Memorial Day weekend we visited Suncadia, just a 60 minute trip over the mountains in Cle Elum. On the way there, Mommy was feeding you Ritz crackers. While driving, we were amazed at how much you were eating, “more, more” coming from your the back seat often. But when our car trip ended, we found a large mound of crumpled Ritz in your car seat. You did like the crackers, but you enjoyed crushing them more than eating them.

You have a fun spontaneous side to you. On walks, you just start walking backwards. At our latest vacation in Mexico, you liked to go into downward dog in the lobby. And you still love to dance. You stormed the stage on Amateur Performer Night in Mexico, and you cut a rug at the Ballard Seafood Festival mainstage when Nana and PopPop were here. You now like to hide under covers, pillows, and encourage me and Mommy to hide with you.


Mommy had to carry you off the stage in Mexico.

On our Mexico vacation, it was hard to get you to eat anything but watermelon and chicken nuggets. One evening, Mommy came back with ice cream for us, but since you hadn’t eaten anything yet and really wanted the ice cream, she sternly stated, “No ice cream until you finish your pizza.” Mommy jokes that we are now in the running for Parents of the Year for that quote.
Here is my 1 Second Everyday Video for May

And here is June…

In the news this summer….today is the 70th anniversary of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan…..there are wildfires in California and Washington, our nation is struggling with the plentiful police brutality stories, but we celebrated in June when the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to legalize same-sex marriage in the US! Tonight, the top 10 candidates who are vying for the GOP nomination participate in the first debate, with Donald Trump leading the polls so far.

It has been another great summer, and there is still more time to enjoy. You are asleep now, but when you get up we will have to call your Nana because today is her birthday!

Love, Daddy

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